Monday, 10 December 2012

Newspaper ad production

To create our newspaper ad we used Adobe Photoshop CS3. We took five separate images; One of Sam, one of Jack, one of neat grooming products, one of messy grooming products and one of bathroom mirror. The first layer is the image of the mirror. We then cut half of Sam and Jack's faces out using the lasso and razor tools before placing the images over the layer containing the mirror image. We then used the same tools to cut out the images of the grooming products before placing them on top of the images of the two boys. We then went onto add the text layers before finally adding the channel logo.

Some adjustments had to be made to ensure that the two boy's faces matched. We had to stretch the image of Jack (on the left) so that the hair lines matched and we had to resize Sam's (right) mouth using the stretch tool to make it fit Jack's, as his mouth was open.

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